NTPC Green Energy Limited

Company Profile
Company Name NTPC Green Energy Limited
Open Date 19-11-2024
Close Date 22-11-2024
Exchange BSE, NSE
Lot Size 138 Shares
Issue Price ₹102 to ₹108 per share
Issue Size 92,59,25,926 shares
Application Amount ₹14,904 to ₹1,93,752 (138 to 1,794 shares)
Recommendation Neutral

NTPC Green Energy Limited was originally incorporated on April 07, 2022, for the reorganization of NTPC Limited’s renewable energy business. The registered office is located at New Delhi, India. The company is a wholly owned subsidiary of NTPC Limited. The company generates electricity using renewable energy portfolio which consists of both solar and wind power assets. The company had 232 full-time employees as of Sep 30, 2024.

(Read more on the review)

Financial Summary in Cr

KPI’s FY 22 FY 23 FY 24
Revenue 910.42 1,619.40 1,962.60
EBITDA 794.89 1,461.00 1,746.47
Net Profit 94.74 627.72 344.72
RoCE 3.98% 7.02% 4.90%
ROE 4.85% 12.84% 5.53%
P/E - 23.18 147.95

Tentative Timeline

Opening Date 19/11/2024
Closing Date 22-11-2024
Basis of Allotment 25-11-2024
Initiation of Refunds 26-11-2024
Credit of Shares to Demat 26-11-2024
Listing Date 27-11-2024

Objects of the Issue

Investment in wholly owned Subsidiary, NTPC Renewable Energy Limited (NREL) for repayment/ prepayment, in full or in part of certain outstanding borrowings availed by NREL
General corporate purposes

Contact Information

Registered Office NTPC Green Energy Limited NTPC Bhawan, Core -7, SCOPEComplex 7 Institutional Area Lodi Road, New Delhi,-110003
Phone +91 11 24362577
Email ngel@ntpc.co.in
Website https://www.ngel.in/

Registrar Details

Name KFin Technologies Limited
Phone 04067162222, 04079611000
Email ntpcgreen.ipo@kfintech.com
Website https://kosmic.kfintech.com/ipostatus/

IPO Reservation

QIB Shares Offered Not less than 75% of the Net Issue
Retail Shares Offered Not less than 10% of the Net Issue
NII (HNI) Shares Offered Not less than 15% of the Net Issue

Shareholding Pattern

Share Holding Pre Issue (Promoters) 100.00%
Share Holding Post Issue (Promoters) 89.01%

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