Vrundavan Plantation Limited

Company Profile
Company Name Vrundavan Plantation Limited
Open Date 30-10-2023
Close Date 01-11-2023
Exchange BSE SME
Lot Size 1,200 Shares
Issue Price ₹ 108 per share
Issue Size 1,416,000 shares
Application Amount ₹ 1,29,600
Recommendation Avoid
Vrundavan Plantation Limited was originally incorporated in the year 2022 and has its registered office in Gujarat. The company operates in a nursery business segment and in a service business segment. The company’s product in plantation includes Big Trees, Shrubs, Ground Covers, Climber, Indoor Plants etc. The company also trade in Pots which include plastic pots, terracotta pots, self-watering pots, etc. The company does lawn mowing services, brush and jungle cleaning activities, etc. As of 30th June 2023, the Company has 208 employees on its payroll.
(Read more on the review)

Summary of Financials (All financials in Lakh)

For the Period Ended May-23
Total Assets 2,321.67
Net Assets 413.82
Total Borrowings 196.21
Total Revenue 180.68
Profit After Tax 17.33

Tentative Timeline

Opening Date 30-10-2023
Closing Date 01-11-2023
Basis of Allotment 06-11-2023
Initiation of Refunds 07-11-2023
Credit of Shares to Demat 08-11-2023
Listing Date 09-11-2023

Objects of the Issue

Repayment of working capital and unsecured loan.
Working capital requirement.
Meeting Public Issue Expenses.
General Corporate Purposes.

Contact Information

Registered Office Vrundavan Plantation Limited - 307, Sun Avenue One, Nr. Sun Prima, Ambawadi Na, Ahmedabad, Gujarat-380006, India
Phone 079 3520 1135
Email cs@vrundavanplantation.com
Website http://www.vrundavanplantation.com/

Registrar Details

Name Kfin Technologies Limited
Phone +91 40 6716 2222
Email vpl.ipo@kfintech.com
Website http://www.kfintech.com/

IPO Reservation

Market Maker Shares Offered 72,000 (5.08%)
Other Shares Offered 672,000 (47.46%)
Retail Shares Offered 672,000 (47.46%)
Total Shares Offered 1,416,000 (100%)

Shareholding Pattern

Share Holding Pre Issue (Promoters) 85.29%
Share Holding Post Issue (Promoters) 62.65%

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