Silver Pearl Hospitality and Luxury Spaces Limited

Company Profile
Company Name Silver Pearl Hospitality and Luxury Spaces Limited
Open Date 06-06-2022
Close Date 09-06-2022
Exchange BSE SME
Lot Size 8000 Shares
Issue Price ₹ 18 per share
Issue Size 50,00,000 Equity Shares
Application Amount ₹ 1,44,000
Recommendation Avoid
Incorporated in the year 2011, Silver Pearl Hospitality and Luxury Spaces Limited is a hospitality company operating in the upper-midscale, midscale and the economy hotel segment. Company's properties are located in Rakchham, Kinnaur and Himachal Pradesh. Currently the company is operating with 36 rooms in 4 properties. The company also operates restaurants and a cafe with the cafe having a seating capacity of 100 people.
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Summary of Financials (All financials in Lakh)

For the Period Ended Mar-22 Mar-21 Mar-20
Total Assets 459.79 244.48 211.06
Net Assets 450.65 96.38 93.08
Total Borrowings - 146.57 -
Total Revenue 45.89 18.41 29.38
Profit After Tax 11.72 3.30 0.47

Tentative Timeline

Opening Date 06-06-2022
Closing Date 09-06-2022
Basis of Allotment 14-06-2022
Initiation of Refunds 15-06-2022
Credit of Shares to Demat 16-06-2022
Listing Date 17-06-2022

Objects of the Issue

Purchase of Hotel Property in Goa
General Corporate Purposes

Contact Information

Registered Office Silver Pearl Hospitality & Luxury Spaces Ltd 3B, Lal Bazar Street, Sir RNM House, 5th Floor, Room No. 2, Kolkata - 700001
Phone +91 33 4006 9937

Registrar Details

Name Purva Sharegistry India Pvt Ltd.
Phone +91-022-23018261/ 23016761

IPO Reservation

Anchor Investor Shares Offered -
Market Maker Shares Offered 2,64,000 (5.28%)
Other Shares Offered 23,68,000 (47.36%)
Retail Shares Offered 23,68,000 (47.36%)
Total Shares Offered 50,00,000 (100%)

Shareholding Pattern

Pre Issue Share Holding (Promoters) 75.05%
Post Issue Share Holding (Promoters) 27.27%

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