Picture Post Studios Limited

Company Profile
Company Name Picture Post Studios Limited
Open Date 02-08-2024
Close Date 06-08-2024
Lot Size 6000 Shares
Issue Price ₹22 to ₹24 per share
Issue Size 78,00,000 shares
Application Amount ₹1,44,000
Recommendation Avoid
Picture Post Studios Limited was originally formed as LLP under the name ‘M/s. Prodace Solutions LLP’ on August 22, 2019. The registered office is located at Mumbai, Maharashtra. The Company is a creative and innovative post-production company specializing in film editing, Computer Generated Imagery (“CGI”), visual effects (“VFX”), video conversion, grading, film and Commercial mastering of channels and digital platforms. The company had 105 permanent employees as of April 30, 2024.
(Read more on the review)

Financial Summary in Lakhs

KPI’s FY 22 FY 23 FY 24
Revenue 29.00 1,084.84 2,197.85
EBITDA 21.69 107.97 520.41
Net Profit 21.69 59.98 292.04
RoCE 1495.86% 23.94% 54.56%
ROE 1495.86% 53.07% 41.72%
P/E 240.00 85.71 17.65

Tentative Timeline

Opening Date 02-08-2024
Closing Date 06-08-2024
Basis of Allotment 07-08-2024
Initiation of Refunds 08-08-2024
Credit of Shares to Demat 08-08-2024
Listing Date 09-08-2024

Objects of the Issue

Funding of capital expenditure requirements of the Company towards purchase of equipment and Software
Repayment/prepayment of all or certain of the borrowings availed by the Company
General Corporate Purposes

Contact Information

Registered Office Picture Post Studios Limited 701, 7th Floor, Sapphire Building, Junction of S.V. Rd, Rd & 1st Rd, Khar (W), Khar Colony- Mumbai-400052
Phone +91 9769199410
Email investors@picturepoststudio.com
Website http://www.picturepoststudio.com/

Registrar Details

Name Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd
Phone +91-22-6263 8200
Email ipo@bigshareonline.com
Website https://ipo.bigshareonline.com/ipo_status.html

IPO Reservation

Anchor Investor Shares Offered 2,208,000 (28.31%)
Market Maker Shares Offered 396,000 (5.08%)
QIB Shares Offered 1,482,000 (19.00%)
NII (HNI) Shares Offered 1,116,000 (14.31%)
Retail Shares Offered 2,598,000 (33.31%)

Shareholding Pattern

Share Holding Pre Issue (Promoters) 93.02%
Share Holding Post Issue (Promoters) 68.26%

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