Ideal Technoplast Industries Limited, established in 2012 has its registered office in Surat, Gujrat. Business Activities: The Company is a manufacturer and supplier of rigid plastic packaging serving both domestic and international markets (through exports). Customer Base: Primarily B2B serving a wide array of sectors such as Agro, Chemical, Dairy, Edible Oil, Processed Food, Lubricant Oil, Paint, and Pharma. Revenue Streams: Product-wise: The primary revenue driver is the manufacturing of square containers, representing 78.27% of total revenue in FY 2023-24.
Industry-wise: The cashew industry is the largest consumer of the company's products, generating 62.74% of revenue in FY 2023-24. Geographical Reach: The company's top three states in terms of revenue contribution in FY 2023-24 are:
Gujarat: 21.91% followed by West Bengal: 14.79% and Karnataka: 13.98%. The company had 28 permanent employees as of 31st March 2024.
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