DelaPlex Limited

Company Profile
Company Name DelaPlex Limited
Open Date 25-01-2024
Close Date 30-01-2024
Exchange NSE SME
Lot Size 600 Shares
Issue Price ₹186 to ₹192 per share
Issue Size 24,00,000 shares
Application Amount ₹1,15,200
Recommendation Avoid
Delaplex Limited was originally incorporated in the year 2004 and had its registered office in Nagpur, Maharashtra, India. The company is a technology and software development solution and consulting provider, helping client companies to achieve deriving growth, revenue and marketplace value. The company offers various tech solutions encompassing software-defined data centres, integrated infrastructure, cloud technologies, DevOps, security solutions, data analytics, and artificial intelligence. The Company is a global technology partner in Supply Chain Consulting, Custom Software Development, Cloud Services, and Data Science. As of 30th November 2023, the Company had 300 employees on its payroll.
(Read more on the review)

Financial Summary in Lakhs

For the Period Ended Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23 Sep-23
Total Assets 1,100.77 1,790.89 2,638.33 3,185.45
Net Assets 947.45 1,559.32 2,350.05 2,775.58
Total Borrowings - - - -
Total Revenue 3,633.30 5,034.06 5,521.81 2,814.28
Profit After Tax 404.00 611.86 790.72 425.53

Tentative Timeline

Opening Date 25-01-2024
Closing Date 30-01-2024
Basis of Allotment 31-01-2024
Initiation of Refunds 31-01-2024
Credit of Shares to Demat 01-02-2024
Listing Date 02-02-2024

Objects of the Issue

APAC - Advertisement, Sales and Marketing expenses towards enhancing the awareness.
Funding Working Capital Requirements of the Company.
Funding of capital expenditure requirements of the Company towards the purchase of Office Laptops.
General corporate purposes and unidentified inorganic acquisition.

Contact Information

Registered Office DelaPlex Limited - 554/31, Utkarsh Nagar, Near K.T Nagar, Katol Road, Nagpur – 440013
Phone + 91 9766660249

Registrar Details

Name Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd
Phone +91-22-6263 8200

IPO Reservation

QIB Shares Offered Not more than 50% of the Net Issue
Retail Shares Offered Not less than 35% of the Net Issue
NII (HNI) Shares Offered Not less than 15% of the Net Issue

Shareholding Pattern

Share Holding Pre Issue (Promoters) 100.00%
Share Holding Post Issue (Promoters) 73.66 %

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