Comrade Appliances Limited

Company Profile
Company Name Comrade Appliances Limited
Open Date 31-05-2023
Close Date 05-06-2023
Exchange BSE SME
Lot Size 2000 shares
Issue Price ₹ 54 per share
Issue Size 22,78,000Equity Shares
Application Amount ₹ 1,08,000
Recommendation Avoid
Comrade Appliances Ltd was originally incorporated on March 22, 2017, as a Private Limited Company as “Comrade Appliances Private Limited” under the provisions of the Companies Act, 2013 with the Registrar of Companies, Central Registration Centre in Mumbai-Maharashtra and is engaged in the process of manufacturing an extensive array of Air Coolers and Electric Geysers. Company manufactures consumer durable goods and assemble a wide array of products and provide end-to-end product solutions. They serve under both original equipment manufacturer (“OEM”) and original design manufacturer (“ODM”) business models. Company’s current product portfolio of consumer goods includes (i) Air Coolers; (ii) Electric Geysers. They offer innovative solutions to their customers, which include leading international and national consumer brands. Comprehensive solution suite of the company includes global sourcing, fabrication of components and parts, captive manufacturing and assembly, quality testing, packaging and logistics support, which enables them to partner with leading consumer goods brands in India. The key customers of the company include leading brands in consumer durables. They have over 5 years of experience in manufacturing sector.
(Read more on the review)

Summary of Financials (All financials in Lakh)

For the Period Ended Mar-21 Mar-22 Dec-22
Total Assets 3,140.65 2,527.34 2,753.18
Net Assets 241.77 502.43 689.41
Total Borrowings 1,412.38 1,113.79 1,350.62
Total Revenue 2,603.85 2,973.28 2,699.43
Profit After Tax 20.21 38.77 163.57

Tentative Timeline

Opening Date 31-05-2023
Closing Date 05-06-2023
Basis of Allotment 08-06-2023
Initiation of Refunds 09-06-2023
Credit of Shares to Demat 12-06-2023
Listing Date 13-06-2023

Objects of the Issue

Working Capital Requirements
General Corporate Purposes

Contact Information

Registered Office Comrade Appliances Limited Shop No. 39, Ground Level I, Dewan Centre, 183-186, S.V. Road, Jogeshwari West, Mumbai - 400102
Phone 022-66959545

Registrar Details

Name Bigshare Services Pvt Ltd
Phone +91-22-6263 8200

IPO Reservation

Shareholding Pattern

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