Canarys Automations Limited

Company Profile
Company Name Canarys Automations Limited
Open Date 27-09-2023
Close Date 03-10-2023
Exchange NSE SME
Lot Size 4000 Shares
Issue Price ₹29 to ₹31 per share
Issue Size 15,172,000 shares
Application Amount ₹ 1,24,000
Recommendation Apply
Canarys Automations Limited was incorporated in the year 1991 and has its registered office in Bengaluru, Karnataka. Canarys is a leading IT solutions provider with over 30 years of existence in the industry. The company provides software solutions for businesses in the space of Digitalization, Modernization, Automation and Intelligence. Company operates across two verticals viz., Technology solutions and Water Resource Management Solutions. As on September 20th, 2023, the company had 326 employees on its payroll.
(Read more on the review)

Summary of Financials (All financials in Lakh)

For the Period Ended Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23
Total Assets 2,003.04 4,753.57 6,377.89
Net Assets 1,258.17 1,683.44 2,537.91
Total Borrowings - 879.33 1,415.61
Total Revenue 2,578.22 5,199.93 7,547.29
Profit After Tax 210.43 455.82 852.51

Tentative Timeline

Opening Date 27-09-2023
Closing Date 03-10-2023
Basis of Allotment 06-10-2023
Initiation of Refunds 09-10-2023
Credit of Shares to Demat 10-10-2023
Listing Date 11-10-2023

Objects of the Issue

Funding of expenditure relating to solutions development for digital transformation and water resources management solutions.
Creation of new delivery centre including infrastructure thereof and upgrading existing facilities.
Funding working capital requirements of the Company.
General corporate purposes.

Contact Information

Registered Office Canarys Automations Limited- No. 566 & 567, 2nd Floor, 30th Main, Attimabbe Road, Banagirinagara, Banashankari 3rd Stage, Bengaluru - 560085
Phone +91 98458 62780

Registrar Details

Name Link Intime India Private Ltd
Phone +91-22-4918 6270

IPO Reservation

QIBs Not more than 50% of the Net Issue
Non-Institutional Investors Not less than 15% of the Net Issue
Retail Individual Investors Not less than 35% of the Net Issue

Shareholding Pattern

Share Holding Pre Issue (Promoters) 77.49%
Share Holding Post Issue (Promoters) 56.57%

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