Arrowhead Seperation Engineering Limited

Company Profile
Company Name Arrowhead Seperation Engineering Limited
Open Date 16-11-2023
Close Date 20-11-2023
Exchange BSE SME
Lot Size 600 Shares
Issue Price ₹ 233 per share
Issue Size 5,58,000 shares
Application Amount ₹ 1,39,800
Recommendation Avoid
Arrowhead Separation Engineering Limited was originally incorporated in the year 1991 and has its registered office in Tal Igatpuri, Nashik. The company is engaged in the design and manufacture of various chemical process equipment with a specialization in continuous drying and cooling system equipment. The company has the vision to develop Equipment and provide a solution which matches the global standard. As of 30th June 2023, the Company had 54 employees on its payroll.
(Read more on the review)

Summary of Financials (All financials in lakhs)

For the Period Ended Mar-21 Mar-22 Mar-23 Jun-23
Total Assets 1,567.43 1,832.23 2,070.54 2,180.64
Net Assets 68.09 77.26 246.07 310.41
Total Borrowings 600.58 699.45 812.67 896.02
Total Revenue 916.63 1,091.73 2,171.57 881.71
Profit After Tax -179.19 9.17 169.18 64.32

Tentative Timeline

Opening Date 16-11-2023
Closing Date 20-11-2023
Basis of Allotment 23-11-2023
Initiation of Refunds 24-11-2023
Credit of Shares to Demat 28-11-2023
Listing Date 29-11-2023

Objects of the Issue

Repayment of Loan from NBFC’s.
Funding the working capital requirements.
General Corporate Purpose

Contact Information

Registered Office Arrowhead Seperation Engineering Limited Survey No 39, Village Mundhegaon, Tal Igatpuri, Nashik 422403
Phone 84228 2906

Registrar Details

Name Cameo Corporate Services Limited
Phone +91-44-28460390

IPO Reservation

Retail Shares Offered 50% of the Net issue
Other Shares Offered 50% of the Net issue

Shareholding Pattern

Share Holding Pre Issue (Promoters) 50.00%
Share Holding Post Issue (Promoters) 35.09%

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